


GoEvnts.com is the web- and mobile-based platform striving to promote global business events spread throughtr 50 Industries and geographies. Goevnts is currently developing custom mobile phone application for events to help events and exhibitors better reach their target audience and also guide attendees to choose the best event. 

Good Spirits News

Good Spirits News reports on the latest trends in mixology from around the world; reviewing spirits, liqueurs, and bitters; the best new spirited publications; bar tools; competitions and cocktail events. GSN Editor Blair Frodelius is a professional full-time musician, an award-winning mixologist, USBG Spirits Professional, and BarSmarts Live & Wired graduate. Several of his original cocktails can be found in the 75th Anniversary Mr. Boston Official Bartenders Guide.

Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.

Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc. 

Navigating the way to sustainability.  Governance & Accountability Institute is a consultant to corporations and investors on Sustainability/ESG issues, strategy and reporting.  The institute provides research, critical information, knowledge management, strategic counsel and advisory services to corporate and community leaders and investors related to Sustainability, ESG, Corporate Responsibility (CR), Responsible and Sustainable Investment (SRI) and Community Investment (CI). 

Grape Experiences

Grape Experiences is a popular wine bog covering wine reviews, articles about international wine regions, people who are movers and shakers within the wine industry, and recommendations for food and wine pairings. Grape Experiences is one of Exel Wine’s "Top 100 Most Influential Blogger" of 2015. 


Reviews of wine, spirits and other liquid pleasures.

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